Sunday 4 January 2015

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary is so famous that people made up many stories about her! I'll tell you some!

legend claims that the evil woman can be summoned by chanting " Bloody Mary " into a mirror anywhere from three to thirteen times in a darkened room, lit only by a candle. The bathroom is the most popular setting to test out the legend . After the given amount of chants, the spirit will then appear in a mirror to claw your eyes out. Death will follow. Other variations have her driving you insane or pulling you into the mirror, never to be seen again.

Some says Bloody Mary was actually the queen of England! As a woman she didn't have a soft heart.queen Mary was so fond of her youth and beauty that she would do anything to keep her beauty high! There's a legend that she used to bring virgin ladies in her secret room and tie em up upside down and make a hole in their head and blood would gush through those poor women. Then Mary would drink their blood. She thought that would give her eternal youth and immortality.She might not have her beauty but as an entity she haunt every mirror in your house with her immortality and fearful youth! For her hideous crime we call her the Bloody Mary!

Ever felt the urge to call her? I dare you! :)

Story no 2 : 

Queen Mary I
A.K.A. "The Bloody Mary"

Queen Mary I was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. She was destined to be the next ruler of England, but unfortunately- her father divorced Catherine of Aragon, which brought her downfall. And because of the divorce, England became a Protestant state. This angered Mary, still her loyalty to Roman Catholic never deemed. As her father died, Edward VI ascended to the throne ( her half brother). When Edward VI was mortally ill, he immediately took Mary's right to the throne because of Religion differences. Lady Jane Grey was claimed to be the next in line to the throne. But Mary, disposed of her- ordered Lady Jane Grey to be beheaded. From this action, she earned her title as the "The Bloody Mary". But at the time of her reign, she became worse and she definitely earned her title. She supported the inquisition, punishing Protestants to their death by burning and torture. This included, Thomas Cranmer- who was one of the counsel of her father. Her bloody reign did not last long, for she died because of ovarian cancer. Elizabeth I ascended to the throne, then sorting out the mess- making England Protestant-friendly and Catholic-friendly.


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