Sunday 4 January 2015

My soul got stolen

As usually I would go home around 11:00 pm after i finish my job at a local caffe.
But since i started working at that caffe I would always hear some noise like a child laughing but it was always so cold....
Unfortunately tonight i had to stay late at night...there are not much costumers this late and i decide to eat smthing
i go to the kitchen to eat smth n go again to the counter
as i was eating my cup cake i see a little girl sitting in one of the chairs...
'what the??,,,when did she enter? i dint hear the bell chiming even though i was in the kitchen'. ''um hi what can i get u?'', i asked with a little smile and in a nervous voice. though she culdnt see me ,her back was facing me n i could only see her black long hair..
''i want u''she said in a whispering voice..
''what ?''
''will u come to play with me? im always lonly in my mirror''
Ok that kid is freaking me out.
''where r ur parents? u should not be here at this hour'' i was trying to avoid her question because im having this feeling, that kid is not normal...
''We could play like princesses'' As she Said,she started to rise from the chair.
''Look little girl id play with u but tomorrow.what do u say? i have to close the caffe now n u should go home too. come tomorrow at the morning if u want''
''But i cant. Tonight is my last chance out of the mirror. they will never let me out again''Next thing i saw was her skeleton like face n white teeth laughing at me..after that i dont remember anything else..,,When i wake up im laying in a cold n wet floor. as i inspect the wetness ''Fuck is this blood?!''Now im scared.where did that come from? thank God,it was not from me....
''Oh good ur awake."
i turn my head n see the kid from the caffe n the most horribly scene is, that kid was sitting in a pool of blood surrounded with dead bodies,
''w-w-what's happening??''i said in a shaky voice..,
''oh they? well none of them wanted to play with me so i killed them n brought in my home''
''Will u kill me too?''shit i didnt plan my death like this.
''No, as long you are playing with me. Will you play with me?"
I don't have any choice. I have to play with her.
"what shall we play?"
"umm... At first we should get dressed as princess'. Then we will start playing."
Where am I? Who is this bitch? Is it a dream? We get dressed as quickly as possible. Like a princess I guess. Oh God! Help me.
" now that we are ready. Let's start playing. Go stand beside that mirror. And give the lipstick you used."
"I don't have any idea what she's talking about. But I have to follow her rules." I give her the lipstick and walk towards the mirror. Why shes laughing at me like that? Well I can't really tell if she's laughing or not. She has no skin over her Damn skull. I stand beside the mirror. And saw her using that lipstick on her face. Where is she painting anyway? She is using a small hand mirror. What kind of game is this?
"We look like princesses. now that you've played with me. How does this feel?"
I tried to smile and say, "f...fine!"
"so you enjoyed the game?"
"yes, I enjoyed this so much. Now please let me go."
"now that you've enjoyed playing with me, you have to give me somthing."
" what are you talking about? What do you want from me?"
"your inner beauty of course. I mean your precious little soul"
I cried," no, you can't take it. I didnt wanna play with you. U forced me"
"well, you did like the game, didnt you?" she asked me in grave voice.
" mean yes. Please let me go. I beg you"
"so, you have to give me your soul."
I feel the anger growing into me . I cried at her, " curse you! You won't be able to have my soul. Kill me if you want. At least, I'll be in heaven someday."
She started laughing like a lunatic. After the laugh, she told with a mocking voice, "foolish girl! You've already given your soul to me. Look at the mirror"
I didnt want to but I forced myself look at the mirror. A loud scream comes out of my mouth. Who is that? There is a skeleton looking at me with its teeth out. It looks horrible. I don't know what's happening to me.
She is standing near me. I saw her reflection in the mirror. It was me. No! She stole it. She has my soul.
"without your soul you will be a rotten piece of flesh in no time. Well, its been a great meal. Enough to hold my hunger for a whole year."

Everything looks fuzzy. Is it the death itself switching over the place of my soul? I can only hear some last words from her.
"the game was interesting. Surprisingly you've won. Ive lost to you.

BUT THE GAME IS OVER.The game is finished. The game of your soul has come to an end. GOODBYE!!!
Next year,I'll come for your little sister."


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