Sunday 4 January 2015

Blue Baby

Here is a scary game to play for the bravest of you guys....
Blue Baby
Go into a bathroom with the lights off and the door closed. Pretend to rock a baby. Chant the phrase “Blue Baby” thirteen times. A baby will appear and scratch you. DROP IT AND RUN! If you don’t, a woman will to appear and scream as loud as glass breaking, "GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!!!" If you have her baby, she will kill you
In another version,You have to go into the bathroom and blow on the mirror, then write Blue Baby in the steam.
Chant Blue Baby, Baby Blue thirteen times in the pitch black, holding your arms out while you do it.
You should feel a dead weight in your arms, like a baby has fallen into them.
Do NOT drop the baby on the floor. If you drop it once, it’ll cut you. Drop it twice, it’ll cut you again. Drop it three times, and its Mother will appear in the mirror screaming “GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!”
According to the Legend, you have to drop the invisible weight into the toilet and flush it. You cannot drop it on the floor, it must be in the toilet.


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