Sunday 4 January 2015


There was a High School teacher whose class consisted of exactly 30 students. He was particularly strict and a little bit cruel to his students, making them stay back until late at night every day to study in the library. In order to make sure his students stayed back and didn't sleep, he asked them all to call his cell phone at certain times during the night and tell him their student number.
This went well for awhile, but all of a sudden, late one night he received a call. He answered as per usual and a girl's weak voice replied "Hi Teacher, I'm number 31," and then abruptly hung up on him. At first he didn't even realise, but then he felt furious as he thought one of his students was playing him for a fool.
The next day he stormed into the classroom and demanded the student who made fool out of him. No one did, and they all denied knowing anything about it. He threatened the whole class, telling them he would beat them all if it happened again.that night. Unexpectedly, it did happen again. At the exact same time, to the second. He tried to ask the girl who was calling but she hung up so quickly he couldn't get a word in.
The next day he beat all the students in the class, demanding someone to admit their crime. Of course, no one did. He even went so far as to go to other classes and ask them about it, but no one would admit to anything.
The calls continued on schedule every night, the same way. Then finally one night he got his word in on time. "Who are you!?" he questioned frantically. The girl replied softly, "I'm in your class, Teacher. You know me." To which the teacher said, "My class has only 30 students, stop trying to trick me." The girl only said this:"I'm always watching you during class, Teacher. But you only show me your back. I want to see your face." Then she, once again, abruptly cut off the call.
He told his students that they need not to stay back at all, he just changed his cell phone number. But the calls continued. Whenever he accepted the call he would listen,"I wanna see your face. I'm no. 31"
then one morning the teacher found dead on his bed and there was no flesh on his face.
After a month, the school underwent rennovations. But while the builders were replacing the blackboard in the classroom of the old Teacher, they were shocked to discover the dead body of a young girl had been hidden behind the blackboard. And there was a mask in her hand. Kinda looked like made of human skin.


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