Sunday 4 January 2015


I remember the day you were born. I was waiting to meet you. your innocent closed eyes were like two strong tiny hands clenching my heart. Fetching me towards you, inch by inch. I couldn't go away that day. I waited beside your mom. my heart was beating fast. I was thinking, " there you come. there you come". I was waiting to meet you. Then I saw your tiny little head. Your hair was wet. You were starting a brand new journey to this earth. It was such a struggle to pull you out from your mother's womb. Your mom was trying to push you with each deep breath and you were gaining your new life with each struggle. At last the Doc pulled you out. I touched your body. Every part of your body was so soft and young and so nice. I was so happy to see you. You were wet with goo and blood. Still you were looking so beautiful. Your eyes were closed and your lips were shut. Your eyes were telling a lot of things about this pitiful earth on that day. Though still your eyes were closed. That tiny but deep disturbance on your forehead. Like that of a king when something is not right. You were imperial. I fell in love with you.

Then I licked you with my long black tongue. Feeling my rough tongue slithering around your body, you couldn't take that anymore.You screamed for the first time. Your first cry. everyone was happy hearing you crying. I was happy too. You were good. In a salty way of course. That flavor of blood on your body was awesome. I still can remember that taste. You opened your eyes. I looked at you with my watery mouth, drooling all over your face. My dark eyes could see you through. You saw me and started crying again. The nurse sent you to your mom. You thought, you were saved from me. How Naive of you. After that day I have never left you out of my sight.

I sniffed you, licked you when you were not awake. You woke up with a jerk and started crying. Your mom came only to make you feel better for such a short time.

You started to grow up like I wanted you to. Remember, when you were 7 and none was there with you? You heard a deep voice coming under your bed. You were so coward even not to leave your fingers outside your bed. You slept but I was under your bed all the night. I'm still around. Examining every small steps you take, every time you move your head. Don't believe me? Don't you feel that sudden itchy sensation on your body. I'm touching you right now. You are so beautiful. I'm surely in love with you.

You call me Boogeyman!? No...No...No.... I'm not Boogeyman. I'm far beyond that. I live with you. I feed upon your soul. I feed upon your energy. I'll keep sucking you until your hair grow white. Your limbs go weak. People will start calling you old. And then one day you will become so weak that even your heart wouldn't have the energy to bit.

Death you say? That's some farfetched shit. People don't die. They just go weak. So weak that even moving a finger would be impossible. Then my time will come. I'll start licking you. You're body will get wet again like the first time you were born. But this time with my saliva. My stinky flesh eating saliva. hahaha I'm so excited.

Your relatives are great that they will pack you in a nice coffin and leave you 6 feet under ground. No matter how much you try you wouldn't get the energy to say the word "help". you're grave will be my dining room. personal dining place I say. hahaha. There's one problem though, my body is too big to fit in a mere 6 feet grave but I'll try to manage. Crawling on your chest would help me to fit in, I believe. What do you say? Don't worry. You won't get bored. I'm a multidoer. I'll eat and talk with you till I suck out your brain from your dry skull. Umm....I'm sooo excited. Getting goosebumps all over my slimy body. I can't wait to make you old. You're so beautiful. 


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