Sunday 4 January 2015

The Story behind 'Deja Vu'

Do you know about the term, deja vu and time loop?
The term déjà vu is French and means, literally, "already seen." Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all. for example, you are traveling to England for the first time. You are touring a cathedral, and suddenly it seems as if you have been in that very spot before. Or maybe you are having dinner with a group of friends, discussing some current political topic, and you have the feeling that you've already experienced this very thing -- same friends, same dinner, same topic.

Now, time loop,
A time loop or temporal loop is a common plot device in which time runs normally for a set period but then skips back like a broken record. When the time loop "resets", the memories of most characters are reset. (From Encyclopedia)

Well, I'm not here to define things. Ever thought about why we are afraid of death? Have you ever experienced it for yourself? You can't tell me, can you? I know. You dont remember.

But I know, you experience Deja Vu often in your normal start to feel things like it happened before also. Have you ever wanted to seek the answer for yourself?

Why sometime you assume and things get real? It's like you know, what's gonna happen next. Sometimes before death people get the feeling that they are gonna be dead soon. When they tell us about that, we call them crazy.but they are not. They are just trying to break the eternal puzzle of their life, of this universe. They experience the same thing, same life over and over. It's called the Alpha time loop. Every one of us experience that. We are trapped in this big time loop. As I said, our whole life is one Alpha time loop. We live and die again and again in this time loop. Think of having the pain of dying again and again. Your brain always makes you believe that everything is normal and peaceful. Of course letting us know about this would be terrible for us to handle. It's good for us that most of us have a natural death. But what about those who experience deaths which are not normal, like getting stabbed in stomach again and again? Death by a horrible road accident again and again? Or being suffocated in deep dark water again and again?
Every Alpha time loop is also contained of small time loops. In duration 2 seconds to 5 or 6 minutes. We don't know the exact duration or the count of loops of a small time loop. There's always a way to break a time loop. When you break it,you get out of one. And enters into a different one.

We experience Deja Vu because we've already experienced it for real. because Sometimes, all the memories don't get deleted as we start a new time loop.

Breaking a small time loop is very simple but tricky, because you don't know, doing what will make you a escape route. May be kicking a bottle lying on the street would help or may be not smashing that ant with your foot would have helped. It depends. We can't really tell what might help you escape a time loop. Small time loops go on like this Until you are at the end of your life and that is one alpha time loop. I believe there's a way of breaking this alpha time loop too. May be I'll find at the very moment of dying. But will I remember to do that simple thing what will help me break out of this eternal puzzle? I don't know. People don't usually remember what happened in their last alpha time loop. That's what makes it so tricky.
I feel sad for me, for you, for us. We can't do anything. :(
You know,May be you are reading this post for the 2nd time or may be for the 1000th time or may be for the...... But you can't do anything about it.


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